Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ten Ideas for Household Stain Removal

With four young children, a small dog and a regular flow of family and friends trafficking through our house, this clean freak has had to do both research and experiment with effective stain removal! If it's not my son tracking in mud from the swampy backyard, it's the family dog, Lacey, who didn't make it outside in time. I have scrubbed lipstick out of carpet, removed splattered grease from a favorite blouse, and mopped up more accidents than I care to admit! Not to fear, fellow clean masters, I have ten very tangible fixes for even the toughest stains our loved ones leave for us. Here they are:

1. Grease/oil stains on clothing - Use the spot treatment you love, but right after you've let the treatment set for a few minutes on those stubborn spots, douse a teaspoon of Pinesol on them and let that set for a few more minutes (5-10). Another option is to make a paste of water and baking soda, applying that to the stain on the item, letting it set for 10-15 minutes, rubbing it in slightly with your fingers. Wash item as normal.

2. Stains from koolaid, coffee and tea on cups and pitchers - Make a thick paste with baking soda and water, and scrub away the stains. Rinse off, then wash as normal.

3. Pet waste stains - This I have become a pro at! First, if you discover it in time, blot the area with a disposable item (paper towel, etc). Second, use a very wet cloth, squeeze some of the water into the area, then spray a carpet cleaner into the area (I prefer Resolve Pet spray), and let

4. Lift grease off cement and metal - Once again, we're using baking soda! Sprinkle soda on backyard grill overnight, then remove with water and brush the next day. Same process withr grease stains on garage floor or driveway.


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