Thursday, September 1, 2011

The Ultimate Guide to Laundry and Stain Removal

Laundry is something everyone has to do. Everyone also likes to look nice, and clothing can be expensive. It's best to take care of it as well as you can!!!

To make laundry easier, keep a hamper in every bedroom or bathroom. Kids can place their own clothes easily in the hamper. A basket also works well for this. It also helps keep wet towels off of the floor. You can also place a fabric softener sheet at the bottom of the hampers to keep the clothing from smelling. Next, collect the laundry and sort. My personal preference is to wash denim together, wash darker clothes together, lighter clothes together, colored towels and washclothes together, and white towels with underwear and bras. You can wash any way you prefer. I wash sheets on their own as well. This helps reduce lint transfer on garments.

Keep a small basket or jar in the laundry area to place items left in pockets. Also keep a basket or bag for dry clean items. It also helps to keep a stash of laundry products, in case you run out mid-laundry day.

The next thing to do is check for stains, and working to get them out. There are lots of products to help. Using Tide to Go pen or Shout wipes when the stain is first noticed helps a lot. Train family members to either treat stains or bring them to you immediately before placing in the hamper. This increases the likelihood that the stain will be able to be removed successfully. Shout is an awesome stain remover. Plain hydrogen peroxide can also remove several stains, including, but not limited to, blood, grass and mustard.

Rust stains can be removed with a paste of salt and vinegar. Rub in, let sit, then wash. You can also try soaking in lemon juice, or lemon juice and salt. It also helps to put the garment in the sunlight once treated.


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