Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hoover Constellation Review

The Hoover FloorMate SpinScrub Widepath is your all purpose hard surface floor cleaner that washes and vacuums up the dirty water for easy floor scrubbing.

Ease of Use/Performance: 23/25
Convenience/Storage 24/25
Appearance/Design 22/25

How much I enjoy 21/25

Total: 90/100

The Hoover Floormate SpinScrub Widepath is a great hard surface cleaner with plenty of features to easily clean any hard surfaced floor without all that kneeling and hand scrubbing. There are several models of the Hoover Floormate hard surface cleaners, the Widepath model is the one I am reviewing.

The FloorMate Widepath does a great job scrubbing and mopping floors and replaces that kneeling and scrubbing on the floor with scrub brushes that we all love so much. The FloorMate does a great job of putting down some of the clean water from the top tank, scrubbing the floor with the scrub brushes and vacuuming that water back up again into the bottom tank.

The Hoover FloorMate SpinScrub Widepath comes with the FloorMate in several pieces but it is very easy to assemble. The two brushes are very easy to install and there are two small bottles, one grout cleaner and the other a floor cleaner.

The FloorMate has a handle that folds easily for excellent storage in a closet with room above for coats and such. With the handle folded the FloorMate is about 26 inches tall and with it extended it is about 44 inches tall.

The Hoover FloorMate will not take the place of a really good hard scrub like we do about once a year on our floors. It will also not replace having to occasionally get down on the floor to scrub out those corners and edges around the room and under cabinets. But it will do all the general regular mopping and scrubbing you do week in and out for our hard surfaced floors.



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