Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things You Need to Know When Cleaning Cat Urine

Having cats as household pets can be an entertaining experience to say the least. Our family has two cats of our own and they really have become part of our family so to speak. But with that said there is one aspect of cat ownership that can be a problem from time to time, and that is cleaning cat urine.

What is strange about this is the fact that most every cat doesn't need any type of training to use the litter box. Small kittens seem to have sense from birth that using the litter box is simply the right thing to do. All you need to do is set up the litter box, show your cats where it is and they will use time after time.

Although cats will use a litter box, having accidents can still take place. When these accidents happen it is good to know how to go about cleaning cat urine. Whether it is on the furniture, carpet or anywhere else, if you fail to properly clean it up your cat will continue to urinate in the same spot again. Not only that, but cat urine also has a real odor to it and can make the entire area of your room smell like it if you don't clean it up.

Finding a good product to clean up cat urine is pretty straightforward. You can find some great products at any pet supply store such as Petsmart or any smaller pet store. You just want to be sure that whatever product you buy is a multi-purpose product that will clean carpets, furniture in cloth or leather, etc. Regardless of what brand of cleaner you buy never use one that contains ammonia. Why is that? Because the smell of ammonia is somewhat similar to that of cat urine. When your kitten smells the ammonia cleaning product they will confuse it with urine and keep using that spot in the future.

When you first go to clean up any urine mess from your cat, first use a few paper towels to soak up as much of the liquid as possible. Then, spray on the cleaner and work the solution into the area affected. You may want to go through and clean it again a second time to be sure you got it all out. You can use a clean dry towel to dry it off as much as possible when finished.

Ref: associatedcontent.com

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