Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Best Methods for Carpet Spotting in a Commercial Setting

Effective carpet spotting in the commercial cleaning industry is a daily chore that all commercial cleaners must face. In order to make their customers happy, the floor pathways become the primary focal point in determining how well the commercial cleaner performs each evening, because dirty floors are the first indication of a dirty building that our customers look at every morning. As such, the simplest carpet stain becomes a commercial cleaner's largest nightmare, because cleaning carpet consumes time and energy to address. Therefore, being able to remove carpet spots quickly and effectively is a demanding part of the business, but also a real necessity.

To carpet spot an area effectively, there are essentially a few items a commericial cleaner must possess, depending upon the extent of the carpet spots to be addressed. These needed items would include spray carpet spotter, a carpet cleaning agent in gallon or 5 gallon sizes, a carpet extractor, a selection of carpet bonnets, towels, defoamer, a carpet rinsing agent in gallon size, and a roto for the purposes of carpet bonneting when neeeded. In many cases, commercial cleaners will employ carpet fans to dry and area afterward, because in order for business to resume the next day, the carpets must be dry.

For small spots dribbled onto the floor, a can of spray carpet spotter and a towel would suffice, just so long as the custodian uses enough abrasive action to actually allow the spray to clean the spot. In most cases, a spray can spotter requires a few minutes to work before the custodian uses a towel in a scrubbing action to remove the unsightly stain.


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