Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tips for Cleaning Your House Faster and Keeping it Clean Longer

There are very few people in the world who actually enjoy cleaning. Although it is most likely not your favorite activity, someone has to do it. Cleaning your house can big a time consuming job, especially if it's been a while since you last cleaned. Most people are able to recognize when their home needs a good all around cleaning, but there are those few who hate cleaning so much that they put it off for way too long. Although there are not many ways to make cleaning fun, there are a lot of ways to make cleaning quick and effective.Start from the top
If you have a two story home, start cleaning with the second story at the very end of the house. This way you can work your way down and won't get discouraged to see how much is left, but rather encouraged by what you have already done. This may seem silly, but cleaning the entire house can seem like such a huge task that it can seem overwhelming and make you feel like you're not getting anywhere.Get a cleaning caddy
Invest in a cleaning caddy, or even something as simple as simple as a bucket, to carry all of your cleaning items around in one container. This will save you time because all of your cleaning supplies will be right there and you will not have to run back and forth for each separate disinfectant.Put some music on
There are not many things that can make cleaning fun, but music certainly helps. Whether you like jazz, pop, rock, rap, country, or any other genre of music, put it on loud(as long as it doesn't disturb anyone) while you are cleaning. If you are not a music person, it gets a little bit tougher, because it's a little hard to watch television or read a book while you are cleaning, so music is really the easiest form of entertainment while cleaning.Once you're done cleaning, the best way to avoid any more major cleaning, is to keep your house clean. Here are some tips for avoiding messes.
Leave your shoes at the door

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