Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Quick Cleaning Tips When You're on the Go

You've got somewhere to be in an hour, and you've decided to have a nice slice of blueberry pie before you leave...Oh, no! To your dismay, you've spilled a gooey piece of pie down the front of your immaculate shirt.
What do you do when you need to wear something specific, you have a spill, and you definitely don't have the time to stop at the nearest grocery store to pick up the appropriate cleaning products? Next time you find yourself in a similar situation, you may be delighted to realize that you aren't out of luck. Chances are, there are several simple, yet effective cleaning supplies in your home, right under your nose. If you look even closer, you may even find a few tricks up your sleeve.
Berry Stains
Berries have been used since ancient times to create colorful makeup, paints, and dyes for clothing. Berries can be so rich in pigment that it's no wonder they are tough to remove. But have no fear! Berry stain removal can be easier than you may think. Ridiculously so.
A berry stain can be reduced, and in some cases, completely removed with boiling water. As with most spills, if the stain's new, you will get better results. Start by heating water to a boil, then stretch the stained fabric taut, with the stain right side up. Pour the water directly over the stain, and watch as it comes out of the fabric. Repeat this with boiled water until the stain is gone, or until it no longer reduces. If traces of the stain are still visible, spot treat it, and throw it in the wash.
Bleach Spills
There was a time when bleached clothing was in style, but unfortunately, that look went out with the '80's.
If you're in a rush, and you've spilled bleach onto your clothing, a handy marker can provide a quick fix. Either permanent or washable will do. The effect may not be seamless, but it can get you through when you have only one uniform, costume, outfit, etc., and no time to find a back-up. The two factors that effect the outcome of this trick are a) that the color of your marker matches your clothing, and b) that the bleached spots are relatively small. The smaller, the better -- it makes them less noticeable.


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