Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Successful Stain Removal Tips

Here are some basic tips on how to remove stains:

Always blot up excess liquid from the stain before starting the stain removal process.
Do not rub a stain (this causes the stain to spread).
Use a clean white cloth or paper towel on the under surface of the fabric if possible.
To prevent the stain from spreading, work the stain from the outside edge to the middle.
For successful stain removal, do not dry clothing until the stain is completely removed. Drying will set the stain in further.
Always use ammonia and rubbing alcohol in well ventilated areas. Keep rubbing alcohol away from heat, flames or cigarettes).

For carpet stains, do not scrub the stain, blot gently.

Below are some particularly challenging stains and stain removal tips for each.:

To remove blood stains: To remove blood stains on a hard surface floor, first try clear, cold water. If this does not remove all of the stain, use a solution of tablespoon ammonia added to cup of cold water. Keep the floor from becoming discolored by rinse quickly. For blood stains on washable clothing, soak first in cold salt water or try 3% hydrogen peroxide. (Make sure cleaning agents are at room temperature). If these two methods do not remove the entire blood stain, use the ammonia solution listed above. Also try mild hand dishwashing detergent: Mix 1 teaspoon of clear dishwashing detergent with one cup of warm water. Hand wash and rinse thoroughly to avoid resoiling. A cornstarch paste made of cornstarch and cold water can also be gently rubbed on the blood stain; allow it to dry and brush off lightly


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