When kids and pets make your carpet so dirty that a normal vacuuming just won't do the trick perhaps it's time to use a steam vac. It is an excellent tool for cleaning hard-to-remove dirt and stains hiding deep in your carpet. One excellent steam vac to consider is the Hoover F7411-900 SteamVac carpet cleaner. Read the following pros and cons of this steam vac before you decided to buy it.
Out of the box you will need to set up the machine first. The good thing is setting up the machine is a snap so you can start cleaning in minutes.
The water and detergent container are separated so if you put too much detergent the machine does not mix all of them with water. After you finish vacuuming you can put back the leftover to the bottle. This unit also has a rinse button so after you finish vacuuming you can get rid of all the detergent leftover from your carpet.
The Hoover F7411-900 SteamVac is easy to use and has remarkable cleaning power. It can return your beaten-up carpets to its soft and clean state as if it's brand new. Whether it's berber or plush this steam is able to clean it thoroughly. Same thing for upholstered furniture. They look amazingly clean.
Since the machine suck in most of the water from your carpets it doesn't take long for them to dry completely. Most of the times it only took two hours.
This steam vac is meant for home use. Unlike commercial grade steam vacs the dirty water container on this one is rather limited in size. You may need to empty it at least twice when cleaning a large room.
The removable tool caddy is useless. It was supposed to hold the hose and attachments but it can't hold them firmly.
Ref: associatedcontent.com
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