With everyone watching their pennies in today's economy, home appliances are often overlooked when it comes to maintenance. By doing simple everyday tasks you can enhance the life of your appliance and cut down on the cost of expensive repairs. Here are some great tips.
Dishwashers: Check the temperature of the hot water running through your dishwasher. The water in the unit should be at least 130 degrees. Here is a quick tip. run the hot water at the sink next to the dishwasher until the cold water is cleaned out from the hot water line. If you are using a new energy efficient dishwasher, be sure to use a rinse agent for good drying. Always check the bottom of the dishwasher for any food particles that may prevent the machine from working properly. To prevent poor washability, check the cutlery tray for item that may protrude and affect the spray arm.
Microwave: To prevent possible failure of the unit, do not operate it without food inside. When items are not present to absorb the microwaves, they can be sent back to the magnetron tube and cause failure. Make sure to clean the microwave after each use. Food that splatters can get behind the wave guide and cause sparks and possible burning.
Garbage Disposal: Don't let the name fool you. It isn't made to absorb all your garbage! Trying to feed the disposal large quantities of waste can result in clogged pipes or impair the unit. Do not put items in the unit such as corn or celery since they can clog the mechanism. To clean the disposal, add ice and run it. Also, never put your face directly over the unit and place your hand inside the unit unless the unit is disabled for safety.
Ref: associatedcontent.com
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