It is pretty much a foregone conclusion that your toast will land on your carpet buttered side down. What scientific principle governs this, I could not tell you. However, the same formula finds application with grape juice, red sauces and semi-chewed Swedish fish candy. In addition, if you have kids, the probability rate of sloppy foods plummeting onto your newly installed cream-colored rug triples.
Of course, the best way to keep your household rugs clean is to never walk on them, ever. Or if you must walk on them, diligently apply that clear, thick plastic covering that your Grandmother uses to safeguard her precious floral love seat. You will doubtlessly feel like a microwave dinner, enshrouded in synthetic plastics, but at least your carpet will remain pristine.
For the rest of us, who live in a somewhat realistic world, we may find it challenging to keep those well used carpets looking new. What trouble-free tips can we utilize?
For one thing, wipe your feet before you step indoors. This simple act, something we've all taught our kids to do, oftentimes goes overlooked. Wiping your shoes also cuts down on pesticides, some of which break down quickly outdoors in the sunlight but may last for years in your carpets.
Another astonishing option, which is a standard custom in some parts of the world, is to actuallyremove your shoes. Although it's not a Japanese dojo, it is your home, and shoe removal is still somewhat about respect, but more so about what your family dog has left outside for you to wade through.
Ref: associatedcontent.com
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