Friday, July 22, 2011

Product Review of the Hoover SteamVac

How could an adult male get excited over a vacuum cleaner? I did, but there was a catalyst involved to trigger my interest. And, of course, it's a machine with mechanical parts that's sure to intrigue the male psyche!

The catalyst was our move to a new house. We actually knew the sellers from years ago and had a great buyer-seller relationship. They allowed us early possession of their house prior to closing and invited us over to review different aspects of the house.

While sitting at their dining room table, I noticed their rather large cat moving around us. I have severe allergies to felines and just knew he would make a beeline for me. He did, but Mark removed him to another room. After only twenty minutes in the house, my eyes were watering, itching and I was coughing. The dander really got to me.

My wife and I decided that the carpets would need to be thoroughly cleaned before we moved into the house. Which, by the way, is only six years old with carpeting throughout that's only one year old.

The choices came down to three options:

1) Do it ourselves with a steam clean rental.
2) Pay for a commercial service to come in and do it.

3) Buy a steam vacuum and do it ourselves.

The rental would mean that I'd pay a daily rate and have to return it. Then, I got an estimate from a nationally known commercial steam cleaning service that would have been $400 or more. We would also be at their mercy insofar as when it would be done and when we could walk on the carpets. After investigating all three, I chose to buy a steam vac.

Through the miracle of Google search capabilities, I settled on the Hoover SteamVac. Doing my usual Due Diligence, I checked Amazon for product reviews as they normally have a lot to peruse and make a decision.


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