Saturday, July 9, 2011

it is a good idea to open all the windows

DIY: Getting Urine Smell out of Concrete - If you have carpet in your home, the job of cleaning up after your pet can become even more difficult. Sometimes the urine may have been missed for several days, while other urine could have been cleaned immediately after the mess, and still leave a certain stench. Either way, pet urine has a terrible stench that can be difficult to get out. But have no fear. You will get the urine smell out, with a little diligence and patience.

Cleaning the Carpet

The first step is to attempt to clean the carpet. You can usually rent a carpet steamer from your local grocery store or Home Depot. You will pay around $20-$30 for the carpet steamer, and then you need to get the actual carpet cleaner. For this, you want to use something strong. . Use a strong cleaner, such as the Hoover 48 Oz. Carpet and Upholstery Detergent, which can be found at Home Depot, for less than $7. You will want to clean the full carpet, let dry for a day. Come back the next day and clean the carpet thoroughly again. By this point, you can sniff the worst parts of the carpet to see if the smell is still there. Let's face it, some carpet just can't be saved, and will still have a pet urine stench.

Removing the Carpet

Sometimes, it is impossible to get the urine smell out of carpet, no matter how many times you clean it. Not only are pet urine stains an issue, but also stains that are hard to remove. The carpet may just old, smelly, and stained; in this case the only option is to remove the carpet.

Especially, if the smell of pet urine has saturated the carpet, the only option may be to rip of the carpet and start fresh. In the carpet is saturated with pet urine, the concrete may stink as well. Once you pull up the carpet and get it out of the house, you will have a better idea if the concrete has been saturated with pet urine.

Now that the carpet is out o the house, it is a good idea to open all the windows. This is the first step in airing out the house, getting the pet urine smell gone. This might not get red if the pet urine stench, but it will help during the cleaning process.


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