Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How to Deal with Them and Reclaim Your Home

Last year I wrote an article about the Chinese stink bug invasion of my house, it was a bug I was not familiar with at them time. I wasn't sure where they came from or why they chose my house to settle in. Since then I have gotten lots of requests for more information so the purpose of this article is to answer your questions.

Turns out it wasn't just my house which was invaded and these stink beetles came from China. It seems that they hitched a ride on either a cargo ship or some sort of international import container and they first made themselves at home in Pennsylvania. It appears that Pennsylvania is now over-run with these stinky monsters.

Although my last article took a more entertaining look at these critters the truth is that they are no laughing matter.

I've got good news and bad news for you and in this case even the good news isn't all that good.

The good news is that these bugs are not coming into your house for the purposes of eating your food or to breed; they are coming into your home to hibernate.

Now for the bad news and it's not terrible news but it is something you need to know.

If you allow these bugs to accumulate en mas in your home and something disturbs them or they perceive something as a threat they will use their built in defensive weapon. They will release a horrible odor that smells like a mix of lemon and decaying flesh.

There is more bad news, these bugs also put down a scent that lets other Stink-Bugs know that a great place to hibernate has been found.


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