Friday, July 22, 2011

Hoover and Oreck Vacuum Cleaners

Buying a vacuum cleaner can be a daunting task because there are so many to choose from. Since I have all four of these vacuum cleaners, I thought it might be a good idea to let people know exactly which vacuum cleaner, of the ones that I actually know about, are best for which tasks. Each of my vacuum cleaners were purchased for a specific reason, and it ended up I need a different one for different jobs, or I just got tired of the one I was using not performing as I thought it should. Since my husband and I have 15 children, 8 of them are still at home now. My older children who are grown and gone, just all left this last December. I still have one of my oldest ones at home now and the rest of my children are between 4 and 14 (there are 7 of these younger ones), so our vacuum cleaners really get a workout and are tested to the maximum. I realize that most people will never be as hard as we are on our vacuum cleaners, but at least I can say which ones are up to the task of a large family.


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