Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What to Know About Adopting a Greyhound

Jessica Gates did a great job of imparting important information in her article, "Adopting the Retired Racing Greyhound."

Although Greyhounds are fairly laid-back dogs, there are some things that make them different from other breeds of dogs. Sometimes the difference is life and death to the dog!
That's what they were bred to do: run! They are a "Sight Hound" and when they see something interesting, they lope along, oblivious to cars, their owner frantically calling them, etc.

I used to provide a foster home for retired racing Greyhounds. The organization I worked with often received a frantic call from an owner who had lost their dog. This organization would attach a tag with their phone number to the dog's collar. Sooner or later a call would come in that someone had found the dog...and the tag. Sometimes the dog was dead, hit by a car. Other times the dog was alive and could be returned to its frantic owner. You can NEVER assume that your Greyhound will come back when you call, even when they are seemingly reliable. The Greyhound brain is wired in a funny way.: they are running machines and sooner or later they will start running, something will take their interest, and they will keep on going until they get hit by a car or are completely lost.

Another way in which Greyhounds are somewhat different is that they cannot tolerate some medicines and flea potions that other dogs can live with. For instance, Greyhounds need a special anesthesia if they go in for surgery. Propoflow leaves their systems very quickly and is the best anesthesia to use on them.


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