Friday, April 22, 2011

The Sovereign Crown:

As Jhon emerged from the mines with Shailoh draped over his shoulder, he was met by two things, a deluge of stinging rain and a very wet gryphon. Since having gone below ground, ocean to the west. The coldness of the rain sunk into his bones as he placed Shailoh's body over Stonepaw. He had to adjust the saddle more towards the rear of the aerial mount so that he could keep Shailoh's body from falling off while he carried him back to Alunos for medical help.

Knowing Stonepaw would need more of a running start to take off due to the added weight, he rode for a ways till he found a stretch of open, level ground. Jhon could see and feel her body's muscles tense up the second she launched into the air. As she beat her wings, Jhon thought for a second that they weren't going to make it, and feared that she would clip one of the trees, now just inches from her feet. Luck was with them as she gradually gained flew higher into the dark sky. Without having to say a word, Stonepaw fought bravely through the pouring rain, and within a matter of minutes the mines grew more distant as she flew southward towards Alunos.

Chapter Eighteen: Rank and File

While Jennalia and her fellow "tanar'ri comrades" had marched across the infernal wastelands, led by their "master" Yhaphet'ygl, dark songs ushered up from their lips to form doom-filled dirges, something that suggested they were heading into battle, something she was trying desperately to avoid. Unfortunately, she couldn't just excuse herself from participating, lest she draw suspicion from the other tanar'ri, especially Yhaphet'ygl who, she noted, had been true to his word; he watched her like a beast that hadn't fed in days. She figured that they had marched twenty miles or so, and she quickly began to feel every mile in her weary body as nearly every muscles felt as if it were on fire. Another ailment began to silently creep into her body, however she knew what this was being caused by.


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