Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to Keep a Neat and Clean Home

Keeping the house clean and tidy is an arduous task at best; we accumulate so much stuff just by living! And after a while, you just need to buckle down and get rid of the extraneous junk in order to give yourself room
to breathe. With a few easy tips and tactics, you can definitely make sure that you clear out the old and make way for the new (or maybe -- just maybe! -- make way for blank space!).

Throw it out!
The biggest and most important rule of thumb you will ever learn is a ridiculously simple one. If you haven't used something in three to six months, it is time to throw it out. Of course, tax papers and other important documents are not included -- those you should keep for years -- but things like two year old receipts for a dress, old trinkets accumulated from stores, books you read once and didn't love... Things like that can absolutely go. This goes for clothing as well; if you have not worn something in 3-6 months, you're probably done with it. Give it away! Get a box (or two) and donate anything that you don't want to charity. If you're serious about getting things out, don't even bother with trying to sell your stuff; it will just sit around in your garage for another year. Just get rid of it.

Set Aside Time
Every day, give yourself 15-30 minutes to tidy up. This does not mean a full-fledged cleaning, just a quick "put away" of everything that was undone during the day. I like to do this right before bed while I'm making sure doors are locked and so forth. I turn the dishwasher on, turn in, and the next day everything is nice and neat (provided the cats don't wreck it all!). By setting aside 30ish minutes, I keep my life a little more organized. Once a week or so, I like to schedule 'cleaning' time. That's when I break out the vacuum and do a once-over. Once a month, I deep clean. By scheduling myself, I make sure to budget in just what I need (a few seconds, a day, whatever) and everything actually gets done. By setting a routine, I make sure I stick to it!


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