Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Clean Carpets the Eco-Friendly Way

Many of us are concerned about the products we use and the chemicals they contain, especially in households with children and pets. It is one thing to mop a floor with a chemical based product (although I do not recommend using any chemical based products), and another to use a chemical based product on our carpets. Many residential carpet-cleaning products leave residue behind, and this residue can remain in our carpets for an extended period, exposing everyone to the harmful toxins. This article will examine some great tips for cleaning your carpet without the use of chemical based products.

The obvious solution to cleaning carpets without chemicals is to blot the stain up before it has time to settle in; however many times we do not notice a spill or accident until it has become one with our carpeting. If you have a juice, wine, coffee, or any other dye-based spill try using club soda on the spill. Pour enough club soda to wet the stain, but not soak the carpeting and let it sit for approximately 5-10 minutes. Finally, blot the stain with a towel and repeat as necessary. Stubborn stains may take a couple of tries until completely gone. Borax makes a great alternative to club soda, and works wonders for removing stains when mixed to create a paste. Ice is something many of us have on hand at all times, and while it is great for cooling down drinks or putting down someone's shirt; it can also be used to remove gum, glue, candle wax, and many other wax based substances. Just hold the ice cube on the substance until it hardens, then pick the substance up with ease. It may take several ice cubes or tries before the substance is hard enough to remove with fingers.


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