Monday, April 25, 2011

DIY: Upholstery Cleaning

DIY projects are the best way to go not only because of the way that the economy is going; it will save you money but also give you the satisfaction that you completed the project on your own.

Let's start off with cleaning machines, some machines will do the job as long as they are soap and warm water based cleaning machines. They could save you time if you set aside an entire day to clean all the upholstery in your home, but let's face it, who wants to do that? And besides, most upholstery cleaning jobs are on an emergency as needed basis shortly after the soiling has occurred. If you use your machine for these emergency jobs, you will end up spending more time unpacking the machine, prepping it, adding product, then afterwards, emptying and cleaning the machine that by the time you are finished you are exhausted. Additionally, NEVER use a steam-based cleaning machine. Certain fabrics are extremely sensitive to steam and they will shrink and tighten, destroying the entire piece of furniture.

Directions to clean leather and vinyl:

1. Remember to wipe the area down well with a dry cloth or paper towel.

2. Mix only a couple drops of dish soap with warm water.

3. Dip a clean cloth in the solution and wring tightly, removing all excess liquid. (you do not want to soak your furniture in water because it can mess up the material and will take longer to dry)

4. Lightly wipe the surface with the cloth, using circular motions.(do not scrub it!)

5. Have another clean, dry cloth readily available and then blot it dry.

Directons to clean fiber-based upholstery:

This can be a bit harder to do, but follow close attention the directions.


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