Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cleaning Tips for the Busy Homemaker

We all want to try to accomplish as much as possible in a short amount of time. Here are some tips to get you going.
Tip # 1
while you are in the bathroom for your shower or what have you go ahead and clean up the bathroom. I do this all the time. I find that it takes less time for me to clean it up a couple times a day than it does if i set out to clean it all at once. Example: When I go to take a shower I clean the toilet , tub and sink then shower. When i get out of the shower I rinse the tub out and clean the mirror before I leave the bathroom. Then all I have to do is sweep and mop the floors.
Tip # 2
When you go to pop something in the microwave take a few seconds to a couple of minutes to clean it up before you eat. Example: When I microwave something I wait until it is done because the heat will help it wipe cleaner easier. When my food is done i wipe the microwave out real quick before i sit down to eat.
Tip # 3
Instead of doing nothing while waiting for dishes to soak go ahead and clean something in your kitchen that needs cleaning. Maybe your stove top or a drawer that needs cleaned out. This will save you time in the future. Trust me!
Tip # 4
Before you go to bed at night make sure all your dishes are clean. Believe it or not this will help save you time the following day.
Tip # 5
While you are dusting take a few minutes of your time to straighten things as you go along. For Example: If you are dusting in the living room straighten that pesky bookshelf up that has been bothering you. pick up things as you go along and put them in the room where they belong.
Tip # 6
Make a sink of dishwater before you prepare or serve any meal. Have your family wash their own plates, silverware and cups when they are finished with their meal. This will also motivate you to wash your dinner dishes and avoid having to bother with tip # 1. This method takes me less than 5 minutes to clean up the kitchen after any meal.
I hope these tips help you in your home I know they help me out tremendously!


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