Monday, April 25, 2011

Basic Spring Cleaning Guide for the Home

After a long winter, many begin to long for the brighter sunny days of spring. However, along with the changing of the seasons comes a long list of spring cleaning chores that need to be completed to keep cleaning to do list covers the basics and provides an area by area guide to some of the items often overlooked.

Flooring. Most carpets require a full cleaning at least twice a year. Homes with pets and children need cleanings more often. Depending on the style of the carpeting, cleaning may require a professional cleaning service. There are so many new floor cleaning tools on the market to ease the task on a variety of floor coverings. Make sure that the tool you choose is suitable for your flooring type and needs.

Windows. There are also many new products on the market to make window cleaning easier. New, packaged cleaning product systems even offer extension tools and sprayers for higher windows. Clean with a partner if possible so that the inside and outside of each can be viewed at once to remove dreaded cleaning streaks.

Walls & Ceilings. Make a quick survey of any lingering cobwebs and dust. Both have a way of hanging around—especially on textured ceilings, baseboards, and moldings. Covering a broom's bristles with a cleaning cloth gives extra height and can save trips up and down a ladder for high ceilings and walls.

Window Coverings. Blinds, draperies and other window treatments are also dust magnets. Vacuum window treatments while hanging with cleaner attachments or take them down and have them cleaned. There are also specifically designed blind cleaning tools that can be used in place without removing blinds and hardware.

Upholstery. Some upholstery can be personally cleaned while other specialty fabrics require professional cleaning techniques. As with flooring, the upholstery in homes with pets and children may require more frequent cleaning or spot cleaning. Be sure that the fabric is compatible with the chosen cleaning method to avoid costly disasters.


1 comment:

  1. Another way to keep your house looking great is to go get your windows cleaned. Clear View is a great company for cleaning your windows, blinds and gutters. Visit for more details and some awesome promotions.
