Saturday, October 8, 2011

Germ Free Living Products

Are you the type of person who is very aware of germs? Can you actually feel and visualize the germs that exist on common, everyday items as you go throughout your day? If so, the products discussed here will help you to achieve the germ free lifestyle that you desire.

Hands Free (and Feet Free) Garbage Can

Germs thrive on the inside and outside of trash cans. Buy a touchless garbage can. There are models that allow you to avoid touching with your hands (just press the level with your foot) and even better ones that automatically open when you approach the can and wave your hand. This is preferable because you don't have to touch the garbage with your hands or your toes.

UV Light Wand

In the dirtiest areas of your house, like the toilet, garbage, and bathtub, use a UV light wand. These tools emit a UV ray that kills bacteria, mold, virus, and fungus after only about 20 seconds. Germs cannot live under that light.

This is also a great item to take with you in your car or on trips, where you can't always lug around a bottle of bleach or all purpose cleaner to disinfect your vehicle or room. Shine the light over your wheel, your gear shifter, your hotel bed, the toilet, or and anywhere you feel could use cleaning.

Febreze Antimicrobial

Febreze now has a whole line of fabric refreshers. One variety is antimicrobial. The antimicrobial Febreze kills 99% of bacteria on your fabrics, linens, clothes, couches, carpet, and other cloth surfaces while refreshing them. Spray it around your living room, dining room, chairs, and beds at least once a week while housekeeping. You can even use it on your gloves, hats, and scarfs. You don't always have time to wash them but they still get used every day, dirty or not.


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