Saturday, October 8, 2011

26 Home-Cleaning Products

Cleaning products today are made for the modern, multi-tasking wife/mother and husband/father who often both work outside the home. People want to get their cleaning chores done and have time left over for their children, themselves, and each other.

New products are specially formulated for newer fabrics and materials, and they are made to do a specific job thoroughly.

Let's go room by room through the house with cleaners that work quickly and efficiently. These products must be kept out of the reach of children and pets.

I'll begin with cleaning rags, and end with vacuums. In-between are products for the kitchen and bath, laundry, carpets, odors, wood, windows, cars, and silk plants.

Rags, cloths, and toweling:

1) Cleaning rags or paper towels. I am all for saving on paper towels, when possible, and highly recommend micro-fiber cloths for dusting and cleaning.

You can wet them with water or a cleaner, but separate the ones used for oily or greasy jobs when you wash them, or you will taint the whole batch with residual oil and they will never clean windows again.

You can use one cloth repeatedly for cleaning glass, mirrors and computer screens until you think it's not cleaning properly. Then throw it in the wash.

Use another cloth with an all-purpose cleaner for cleaning counter-tops, stove-tops, surfaces of refrigerators, microwaves and toaster ovens. You can rinse and re-use, but at some point, it, too, goes in the wash.


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