Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Walk Behind Carpet Cleaners Offer 20 Inch Cleaning Path. ... carpet shampooer.

PR.com (Press Releases); September 3, 2010; 684 words ...accommodate long periods of continuous use. Thecarpet shampooers offer the fastest carpet drying time in the XTreme Power[R] line...inconvenience to customers. For cleaning power, the new carpet cleaner machines can generate pump pressure levels.

Woburn, MA, September 03, 2010 --(PR.com)-- Daimer Industries, Inc.[R], a long-time provider of carpet cleaners to large institutions, has shipped the XPC-12000, a new machine designed for cleaning contractors working in the largest facilities. The unheated, walk behind box extractor offers the widest cleaning path in the Daimer[R] line.

"Our new carpet extractors provide all the features cleaning contractors need for facilities, such as casinos, resort hotels and other facilities with large tracts of carpet," noted Daimer.com's commercial accounts spokesman Matthew Baratta. "The machines are unheated but accept hot water, so the systems can clean a variety of carpet types - …... carpet shampooer.

Ref: Carpet & Rug Institutes Carpet Maintenance Guidelines

Products I Like To Clean My Carpets:Febreze Carpet care

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