Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pet Stain Removers Compared... pet odor control .

I like a nice home. I like nice decor. Pee pee pads were not something I had planned as floor covering but at this point that's my "look:" I guss you could call it "shabby pee". I certainly haven't seen anything like it in Martha's Living magazine.... pet odor control .

I have two Chihuahuas. One is housebroken, the other is sporadic in his bathroom habits. I can take him out and when he comes in he'll go n the carpet. Why? Who knows. He's 7 years old and has had this problem from the day we adopted him. He also likes to pee on couch corners, any packages you leave on the floor, my husbands shoes . On the upside it's gotten hubby to hang up his clothing and put his shoes in his closet. We have a dog door and he will walk up to it and pee right in front of it.... pet odor control .

I've probably tried every product on the market. Nothing chases him away from areas and if it does it only leads to his peeing or pooping on new areas. I've used Carbona Carpet Wizard, Resolve Carpet Cleaners, machines rented from Pathmark, Petzyme stain and odor remover, Rug doctor odor remover, Crystal All purpose cleaner,GG Bean Urine Clean, Turbo Carpet Shampoo and now Bissell pet and Stain Remover.

Carbona Carpet Wizard comes with an attached bristle/sponge head. According to the label it's the toughesst carpet and upholstery celaner available. It creates a foam that you leave on for 3 minutes. Carbona uses a formula with Oxygen to remove pet odors , bacteria & stains from your carpet . THey suggest that the Oxygen and removal of the bacteria will discourage repeated pet accidents. My dog isn't easily discouraged.... pet odor control .

Resolve High Traffic Carpet Cleanng Granules eliminates the soggy carpet aspect and lets you walk on the carpet in less than an hour. You brush the granules into the carpet with the bruah that is attached to the dispender bottle. Wait 30 minutes and vacuum.

Turbo Shampoo by Electrolux is designed to be used with a carpet cleaning machine. For my needs I have to have someting I can bring out daily that doesn't involve a large machine.

Ref: Carpet & Rug Institutes Carpet Maintenance Guidelines

Products I Like To Clean My Carpets:Febreze Carpet care

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