Since the first use of this machine, I have used it not only on my carpets inside the house, but also in my car. I was completely amazed at how much dirt came out of my car. One of the neat things about using the Bissell Proheat 2X shampooer is that you can see just how much dirt you are picking up, and in a way this serves to keep you going even when you get tired. You just feel like you are doing a good job seeing all that dirt removed from your belongings. This machine also works well on dog beds and leaves them free of pet hair debris and doggy smells and stains. I was also able to make a major improvement on an area rug in my dining room that I was going to throw out due to the dingy way it looked. Using the Bissell Proheat 2X extended the life of this carpet by making it look much cleaner and removing the ground in dirt and whatnot. I wish that I had this shampooer when I first bought the carpet because when used on a regular basis, this machine can really extend the life of your carpets. If you wait a couple of years to deep clean, you will see a major improvement but it is not like your carpets will become magically new again.... carpet shampooer .
The major con with this machine is the cleanup. However, I do not believe the clean up hassle would be different with any other machine. In order to thoroughly clean this machine, you must have a screw driver and take about half an hour to remove screws, parts and rinse out soapy areas and hair/debris. I do suggest taking the time to do this even though it is a major pain because it will extend the life of your machine (and it is an expensive appliance). In addition, if you leave water or solution inside the machine and go to use it a month or so later, you will realize that stagnant water does not smell pleasant, not to mention who knows what could then be growing in there.
... carpet shampooer .
Some other complaints I have about this machine include that it seems to use a lot of detergent, so while the manufacturer recommends that you do a water rinse, I strongly recommend that you follow those instructions. You should also consider using the light or normal cleaning selection rather than the heavy cleaning one, which uses more detergent. You can easily go through two fillings of the detergent tank for one large room, including upholstery. Also, the hose for the handheld attachment could be a pain when you are using the floor cleaner. If it is not on tight enough, or if you happen to accidentally brush against it, it may fall. This means you will have to stop and re-wind it around the machine, unless you prefer to hold it in your other hand while you are pushing the shampooer along the carpet. If Bissell does another model based on the Proheat 2X, I hope they improve on this aspect of the design.
... carpet shampooer .
Your house will smell very clean after using this machine, and it will last a couple of days. If you use the Bissell Proheat 2X on upholstery, be prepared not to sit on it for at least a day (and more if you use a lot of water) and the fabric may feel stiff if you do not use enough water to rinse it or use too much detergent. The stiffness will go away in about a day once you and your family sit on the chairs and couches. You may want to consider using just the heated water without detergent for jobs like this, unless you have major stains you want to remove.
... carpet shampooer .Ref: Carpet & Rug Institutes Carpet Maintenance Guidelines
Products I Like To Clean My Carpets:Febreze Carpet care
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