Saturday, October 8, 2011

Spring Cleaning Tips

Spring brings with it flowers and warm breezes and thoughts of love. It also brings the formidable task of spring cleaning your home. Your home should be your haven and spring cleaning helps to keep that haven a pleasant place to be. The major tasks of spring cleaning include getting rid of clutter and cleaning areas of your home that you normally do not touch. This can be a tedious and back breaking time of the year. Here are some tips and tricks, simple cleaning methods and cleaning products that will help to make any chore manageable. With slightly more than minimal effort you can have fabulous results with your spring cleaning this year.

1. Make a list of cleaning chores. Break each chore down into manageable jobs. Mark them off as they are completed to give yourself a sense of accomplishment.

2. Finish one task before starting another. With a major cleaning job such as spring cleaning, it is easy to get distracted and start ten jobs at once and never complete one.

3. Listen to music! Turn up the stereo or plug in your i Pod to get yourself moving and grooving. Dance around with your dust mop and use the vacuum hose as a microphone. Have fun with your spring cleaning!

4. Use the buddy system if you can. Clean with a friend. Make a pact that you will help clean her home if she helps clean yours. Cleaning with a friend makes it easier and the time just flies by.

5. One of the first things I do every year is deep clean all of the doors in my home. A clean door brightens up every room. Use a bucket of warm water and a good all purpose cleaner to wipe away grime and disinfect the surfaces. Don't forget the doorknobs!


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