Saturday, October 8, 2011

Review: Febreze Vacuum Filters

I didn't think it had been all that long since we last bought a replacement filter for our vacuum cleaner. But, a few days ago, my wife told me it was and, since she does a better job of keeping track of things like that (if it were up to me, I probably would never replace it), I just took her word for it.

I had expected her to buy the cheapest filter for our model of vacuum cleaner. But, instead, she spent a little bit more and bought a Febreze vacuum filter instead.

I'll be honest and say, when I saw this, I wasn't overly happy. I'm not a miser who pinches every single penny. But, while I'm OK with spending a bit more money on something, I am only willing to do it if there is something, quality wise, that justifies that. And, when it came to this purchase, I really could not see how there would be that much of a difference between filters.

That was until I tried this at least.

We have had our vacuum for a few years now. And, between cleaning up after two kids and a cat, it is starting to get a bit worn out. As a result of this, whenever we use the vacuum, we have been having a problem where it will produce a nasty smell; it smells a lot like burning dust. Because of this, when we do vacuum, we usually use it in short increments and allow it to cool down in between (I probably should replace it but just don't want to spend the money yet).

One of the first things I noticed when we started using this filter is that smell went away almost immediately. I used the vacuum a couple days ago in both our living room and kitchen (the kitchen has a carpet too) and there was no burning smell. In fact, I think the vacuum actually improved the smell in both rooms for the first time in years.


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