Saturday, October 8, 2011

Mr Clean Anti Bacterial Vs Febreze Antimicrobial Sprays

Always fighting the good fight against germs and pet droppings I tried two big name brand products. One , Mr Clean and the other by Febreze. Both had odd ingredient descriptins and many, many warnings when it came to use. I felt I needed to glove, mask and gown just to use these items. Febreze appeared to be the safer of the two and there's is really no way to find out if germs and microbes actually are tamed by these products.

I have two little dogs. One of them has housebreaking issues. He's seven years old and I've resigned myself to the fact he isn't going to change his evil ways. Not to give rescue dogs a bad name in any way,all I've ever had are rescue dogs, we knew what we were getting in to when we adopted him. He's fear aggressive and just not totally housebroken, he lived in a car his first year, perhaps thats his problem. Maybe that's where this stems from.

Either way-I'm constantly fighting odors in my house. It's an all out war. I have every imaginable spray, plug in and powder, spot remover, carpet cleaner, etc etc.

The latest on my list of "let's try this" is Febreze Antimicrobial. It contains Didecyl dimethyl ammonium chloride (0.13%) and who knows what as "other ingredients" . Honestly. that's right off the label, most of the ingredients are "other 99.87%". Pretty strange huh? Since I've tried just about everything .I was willing to try this. It claims to kill 99.9% of bacteria that causes odors. It's 27.04 fliud ounces. All well and good.


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