Thursday, August 11, 2011

Increase the Value of Your Home with a Carpet Cleaner

Some of the strangest things that really don't have much actual value for the cost of the good really affect the value of a house much more than they should. Home-buyers pay based on what they see, rather than the actual cost of what they see. They'll pay much more for a house with a nice new kitchen and a nice new bathroom, far more than the difference between a house with an older kitchen and bathroom plus the cost it would take to renovate. There are a lot of things that you can do with your home for not much money which will really increase the value of your home. One of these is steam cleaning your carpets, and it's worth doing.

Cleaning your carpets with a good steam cleaner every few months to a year is a great way to make your home look much cleaner. Some people opt to have their homes professionally cleaned, but that can cost $200 every time the job is done. Other people choose to rent steam cleaners, but often times they are poorly maintained and do not work well. Often times rented carpet cleaners add more dirt to the carpet than they take away! Perhaps the best way to go is to get a used steam cleaner. A good used steam cleaner will go for about $200, which is not bad since it's the cost of having your home done professionally once!

You should probably get your home steam cleaned about once a year. If you opt to buy a steam cleaner, it'll probably take you about a day to do it. Since you only have to use the device once a year, they last for a really long time. They are designed to clean carpets on a regular basis, and if you only do it once a year, it'll be in great shape for decades!


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