The air inside of our homes can be more toxic and deadly than the air outside. With all the talk ofpollution nowadays, very few people are pointing out that the most waste and pollution is being caused by the everyday products we use in our homes. That's right; most the products found on the store shelves, even ones claiming to be all natural, are in fact not natural and can be more toxic than smog.
You see, most products are based on a few simple ingredients; that is, they use either petroleum byproducts, lye, chlorine, or ammonia as their base cleaning solution. Who wants those on the skin or in the home? Petroleum byproducts not only give off noxious, undetectable carcinogens, they also leave an oily residue that attracts more dirt. Who wants that? You clean only to have to clean more because the cleaning solution cannot be rinsed off of stuff.
Lye is an all around no-no. It forms the base of most commercial cleaning products in the U.S. They even mix it with cow fat to make bar soap for the body. This product slowly eats away at whatever is cleaned with it. That means your cloths, the sink, the carpet, and other surfaces become eroded and tiny holes form that can trap dirt particles forever. Besides that, it is worse than petroleum products when it comes to safety. It is more harmful than sniffing exhaust fumes, and yet millions of unaware consumers are filling their homes with it only to have to also pay a huge doctor bill because the family is always sick.
You see, most products are based on a few simple ingredients; that is, they use either petroleum byproducts, lye, chlorine, or ammonia as their base cleaning solution. Who wants those on the skin or in the home? Petroleum byproducts not only give off noxious, undetectable carcinogens, they also leave an oily residue that attracts more dirt. Who wants that? You clean only to have to clean more because the cleaning solution cannot be rinsed off of stuff.
Lye is an all around no-no. It forms the base of most commercial cleaning products in the U.S. They even mix it with cow fat to make bar soap for the body. This product slowly eats away at whatever is cleaned with it. That means your cloths, the sink, the carpet, and other surfaces become eroded and tiny holes form that can trap dirt particles forever. Besides that, it is worse than petroleum products when it comes to safety. It is more harmful than sniffing exhaust fumes, and yet millions of unaware consumers are filling their homes with it only to have to also pay a huge doctor bill because the family is always sick.
I absolutely need this tips! Kitchen granite countertops dallas get filthy, quick. You scatter oil on them when you cook. You spill everything from cake hitter to olive oil on them. Your seven-year-old encourages you make natural product smoothies and turns on the blender before you can put the top on it, throwing squeezed orange and crushed banana over the room