Wednesday, June 8, 2011

How to Remove Urine Stains

Cleaning dog urine is something every dog owner will have to do from time to time. Urine stains can be removed from even the most delicate fabrics, rugs and carpets, and how you clean urine stains is just as important as what you clean them with. Here are the steps you should follow to remove urine stains and the pet urine removers you should use to prevent more urination in future.

Absorb as Much Urine Out of the Stain

The most important step in cleaning dog urine is to remove as much of the urine from the stain. If you have rubber gloves, use them to make this urine cleaning step less unpleasant. If not, place a plastic bag between you and the paper towels you use to remove the urine. Press down hard with your elbows locked. And when the paper towel removes no more urine, stand up and press on it with your shoe (keeping the insulating plastic bag in place). When you are finished, the urine stain should be far less visible, or even gone from sight.

Clean the Dog Urine with a Urine Scent Remover

Pet urine removers are formulated to eliminate all urine scent. Dogs have a heightened sense of smell and will be able to sniff out traces of urine that humans will not. It's important when cleaning dog urine to eliminate all urine scent or dogs will return to the same spot and urinate there again. You can use a pet urine remover or cleaners with odor eliminating properties. There are many cleaners on the market and you should make your choice based on the fabric or carpet you are trying to clean (more on this below).

Look for Hidden Urine Stains with a Black Light

Dry urine stains may become invisible once dry. This will spread urine stench through the home and cause a dog to urinate in the area again. To find these hidden stains buy a black light at your local pet store. Pass the light over the area and the urine stain will look darker.


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