Saturday, April 9, 2011

How to Use Shampoo to Clean Your Carpets

Here are some step-by-step ways of shampooing your home carpet or workplace carpet, if this is your line of work.

Preparing your cleaning area- whether you are out to do a thorough job from corner to corner or just cleaning the traffic area, move all the furniture out of the area you want to shampoo Next step is to vacuum the carpet well, go over it thoroughly to remove anything that is on the top surface of the carpet.

This next step is one that most people don't realize is important to carpet cleaning. Most people put the cleaning solution in the clean water tank with the clean water. The best way to put the cleaning solution onto the carpet is to put the solution with water into a garden sprayer and spray the carpet all over that is going to be shampooed. First test a small area in a corner or area that is less noticeable with the solution and water mixture to color test your carpet. If your carpet passes the color test, leave the product on your carpet for half an hour to let the solution work on your carpet to release dirt and stains.

Preparing the shampooer- using lukewarm water works best in the clean water tank. Putting a splash of vinegar in the clean water tank will help neutralize and clean your carpets. Going over your carpet with the shampooer several times until your dirty water gets lighter in color as you clean will work the dirt out of your carpet. The last two times over your carpet should be done without the water on, only using the brush and vacuum, for you have enough water on your carpet.


Products I Like To Clean My Carpets:Febreze Carpet care

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